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The attack was coming hard and it crumbled her first line of firewall defense.
She dug in and started to repair the broken codes. The second laptop linked into the main one and she shoved over hand-written lines of code that would lock it back up. Sorscha was trying to back the bastard into a wall. Get him locked into the little cage she was building so she could lock onto his IP address and out the bastard. Her fingers danced quickly over the keyboards. She had just finished building up the wall when it shattered.
“NO! NO! NO!” she screamed.
Something akin to a roar sounded at the far end of the house. The distraction served in the hacker’s favor as he snapped the second line of coding. He was nearly to the mainframe files.
Not even she knew what was in those files.
They were labeled classified and Sorscha just assumed it was account and credit card numbers. If hackers got their hands on the accounts of famous athletes—she didn’t even want to think about the fallout of that. They would have a villa in France by the end of the night and at this rate she knew their tracks would be covered by then.
Sorscha fought as she reached over and hit speed-dial on the intern training with her.
“Yeah, Sors—what ya need?” Daniel drawled out with a mouth full of food.
The kid was brilliant, but he was from some state like Kentucky. He talked really slow and you barely knew what he said half the time.
But he could battle with her.
“Get on the network,” she shouted frantically. “I need help. Someone breached the second firewall of the classified files and he literally blew up the cage program I tried to lock him in.”
Sorscha could hear him struggling around his room, and heard the tell-tale jingle of his Mac turning on.
“Fuckers. I was trying to watch the damned Time of the Doctor. I was at the part when the Daleks show up and Smith is all ranty and screamy like he’s on stage,” he grumbled.
“Dude, that episode sucks ass and someone needs to take over Moffat’s job. Trenzalor don’t fall, and the Time Lords give him a new regen cycle. We called that, Danny Boy, remember,” she ranted.
“Yeah, but I still wanted to see it.”
She ignored his whining and screamed again when the hacker shattered her second cage program.
“He is in level three. Once he gets through the fourth boundary code we are fucked.”
The next roar was just outside her office door before it slammed open, hitting the wall with a crack.
“What’s happened? What’s wrong? Why the fuck are you screaming?” William yelled.
Sorscha did a double-take at the huge male currently breathing hard in her doorway. Sweat dotted his forehead and he looked about to blow up.
“Get out! Wait, why are you even here? Mom and Dad sent everyone out to get laid for Valentine’s. Why the hell did you stay behind, and why the hell didn’t I know about it?” she shouted.
“You are on need to know, and you didn’t need to know that,” he growled back at her.
Alarms went off on her phone.
“Danny Boy, third level breach in five, four─”
“Why did you scream, Sorscha?” William demanded.
The brute of a man was breathing down her neck. She couldn’t focus as his scent filled her lungs, raising all the hairs on the back of her neck. She felt that sweet tingle between her legs as his lips brushed her cheek. His handsome beard brushed over her flesh and she let out a sigh.
“What’s that smell...” he trailed off, leaning closer to her.
“Get the fuck out, Will, or I swear to God I’m going to beat you with my MacBook if you are the reason I can’t get these fuckers out.”
“YEE-HAW! Locked him out of three.”
Sorscha leaned in and William growled in her direction. He was always doing that shit.
“William, leave!” She turned towards him and screamed.
The shock registered on his face a moment later. He hesitated, then started to pace behind her.
“I can’t think with you doing that, you big fucking brute!” she yelled.
She couldn’t think when William was around at all. Standing a firm 6’5” with muscles that bulged out of just about everything he wore. Those eyes that sparkled behind the mass of facial hair he insisted on having.
And his scent.
Holy fuck, he always smelled like evergreen, soap, and man. That rugged fragrance only men like him would have. Sorscha watched him ruffle his hair and it nearly undid her. Swallowing hard, she turned back to her computer and watched Daniel construct a new wall, writing code off the fly. She watched the pattern build and then she followed into it with him. The hacker started to fall back.
“Wait, I want to get his IP...” she paused.
“I got it already,” Daniel drawled with a cocky smirk over Facetime.
Just then her phone made the wheezing TARDIS sound noting she had a text. She and Daniel worked together, building code, and then just as she nearly trapped the rat bastard in one of her cages as Daniel constructed the firm wall—the hacker was gone.
Stabbing her fingers through her hair, she pulled at the roots and let her head fall back against the chair. She tried to catch her breath. Sorscha hadn’t realized she was holding it in that last minute.
“Well, boss, I gots a companion to yank the yam to for Valentines. Have a great day and tell your buddy there thanks for nearly getting our gooses cooked.” Daniel ended the Facetime call and Sorscha could only stare at the phone in disbelief.
“Did he just tell you he was going to masturbate?” William snarled behind her.
He was there again.
Too close and too tempting—she had tried her damndest to get him out of her head and get over the childhood crush she’d had on him since she was ten. Sorscha had been smitten when he first came to work for their family as her bodyguard. Turning a glare on to him, she got up from the chair. Shoving past him, she headed toward the kitchen.
Sorscha heard him take in a deep breath again and grumble about honey and where to get some. Heading over to the large espresso machine, she went about making herself a double shot.
“Stop drinking that. You’re wired up enough, you don’t need that to help you,” he rumbled.
Sorscha slammed down the can of espresso, it sprayed up and all over the counter. She turned on him as his hand rose. His mouth had dropped open like he was about to scold her, but she cut him off quickly.
“Look, I’m supposed to be alone this weekend, Will. Why are you here? Don’t you have, like, a chick to take out or something?” She crossed her arms over her chest. It was her futile attempt at closing off her jealousy of even the idea of him looking at another woman.
Yes, she had given up all hope the big, hulking man would ever entertain her as more than just a job her daddy paid him for. It didn’t mean she didn’t flick the bean to the idea of his hot body slamming balls-deep into her. She felt the fresh rush of arousal tease between her legs; she turned away from him and went about cleaning up her mess.
I have to get away from him, like now.
“You are never alone,” he growled. “What the fuck is that smell? Do you put honey in your tea now?”
What the fuck is he talking about?
William started to pace. Sorscha caught him out of the corner of her eye creeping up next to her—sniffing? She let out a noise of exasperation. Using her middle finger and thumb to pinch the bridge of her nose, she took in a deep breath.
“Are you sniffing me, Will?”
“No, and stop using that short clipped name. I am William.”
She snorted and kept on setting up her drink. Flicking the on switch, she turned around and leaned her backside against the counter.
Sorscha scanned him, slowly, up and down. He really was quite a handsome specimen of man. She’d realized lo
ng ago she really didn’t have a type. She didn’t get out enough to have one, but if she had a type, it would be William. It wasn’t just his size, but the way he watched her—as if it would kill him if she disappeared from sight. His very actions were now a contradiction; he was annoyed, yet refused to leave her side. He always wore those blasted black T-shirts. They clung to every ripple of muscle. Even now, as he seemed to search the kitchen, they strained. William bent over in front of her and she swallowed hard. His jeans pulled tight over his steel ass and she let a moan escape.
His head jerked in her direction, his nostrils flaring.
“What?” he demanded.
“What?” She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and turned from him.
“You said something.” His rough grumble wasn’t helping.
She clamped her thighs together tightly as her pussy creamed and her clit started to swell. Absolutely no man in her entire life made her feel this way. He awoke a sexual fever inside her that she’d thought null and void. For fuck sakes. She was attracted to the David Tennant version of The Doctor. Why the hell would this grumpy bastard elicit such hunger inside her?
Sorscha was so lost in her musings she didn’t feel the hot breath of William against her neck until his powerful chest pressed her against the counter. The edge pushed against her mound. Closing her eyes, she wrestled back the arousal that snapped hard and fast to life inside her.
“You did. I know you’re lying, Sorscha,” he growled. He brushed the hair off her shoulder and leaned into her ear. “I always know...”
The jackass was teasing her. Shoving back against him, she felt the thick steel between his legs. Momentarily shocked by feeling the huge erection against her backside, she faltered as she turned on him, shoving at his chest.
He didn’t move.
That didn’t surprise her.
“Don’t,” she squeaked.
“Don’t what?” he rumbled, the large paw of a hand gripping her hip.
“Fuck you,” she spat.
William’s lips curved up into a sexy grin. The sexiest grin she had ever seen. Her fingers started to curl into his tight T-shirt and she seriously considered grinding her now very wet cunt against his powerful thigh.
“You couldn’t take it,” he whispered against her ear.
She sucked in a breath of shock and he was gone. Feeling his heat leave her shocked her system and she stumbled forward.
“Go get dressed. I’m taking you to dinner.”
Her bearings gathered, she lifted her chin and stated simply, “No.”
After all this time, he was going to start fucking with her now? Her body and her heart couldn’t take that. He was a fuck’em and leave’em kinda guy. The type of guy she wasn’t safe with and the reason she was still a damned virgin. Yes, she knew it was silly and stupid. First, she didn’t have the time to just go fucking around. She was either behind a computer at work, or worked at a computer at home. Yes, she had a subscription to Pornhub. She had no choice. She was ridiculously curious and those male-on-male videos were damned hot.
She dared catch William’s unamused gaze.
“Yes, go now. If I have to count to five and you’re not in your room, I will toss you over my shoulder and dress you myself. We are leaving this house; I will not tolerate you being a brat today, little one,” William smirked.
Sorscha was thrown off, Willam’s smile lit up her body and she felt it from the tingling of her scalp, to the tips of her toes. Pink lighted up her cheeks, she could feel it.
A brat and little?
Wait...he had never called her that before. Looking away, she poured her shots of espresso and downed them quickly.
“One, two, three...”
“Fuck you. I’m going!” she yelled.
Slamming into his arm for good measure as she passed him, she could swear she heard him chuckle as she kicked her bedroom door shut.
“Asshole,” she murmured.
“I heard that, little one.” he rumbled just outside her door.
She screamed and slapped the closed door, wishing it was his face. The sting hurt. Taking a step back, she whimpered and rubbed her palm against her pants.
There was that chuckle again, fading away down the hall.
What was his deal today?
Chapter Three
William’s room was at the back of the house in a separate wing. It was spacious and quiet, giving him a good view of the woods out back. It had its own open living room, bedroom and bathroom. Shaking his head, he entered the kitchen area and filled a glass with cold water, downing it quickly. Sorscha wound him up a lot, but in a good way. She’d grown into a stunning woman over the years. It was a pleasure to be around her, for many reasons.
God, he could eat a horse, or Sorscha. He swallowed, throwing those thoughts to the back of his mind. Patting his crotch, he growled at the arousal she’d caused. It was difficult enough trying to let her think he didn’t care. Old spoken words rang in his mind and he smiled.
There was more to Sorscha Walker than met the eye. Sadness filled him that she was a lonely soul, living an existence which literally caged her in this tiny town, working for a company she knew nothing about.
They needed time together; times were about to change. Sorscha needed to hear the truth, not from her parents but from someone in touch with reality─and that was him. Of course it wouldn’t go well; there’d be moments of anger, of hatred and denial. William, as he was called in this world by his employers, would sit there listening to her go ballistic, shouting of lies and betrayal. She wouldn’t love him anymore. The crush she held for him-oh yes, he knew about it. Well, all those would die a sudden death and William would be her biggest enemy. More so than the hacker who had broken her firewall three times in the recent past.
He’d had worse, much worse in his long life. A twenty-four-year old woman, admittedly a sexy one, couldn’t compare to angry elves or orcs. There were his own kind too, Celts with reputations of legend. He’d faced them all.
The scent of steel drifted to his nostrils. Over the years he had completely remade his weapons from sturdier stuff as he called it, replacing his lost iron sword. A long sword and two short swords rested in his wardrobe. He opened the door and pulled out the long sword, raising it to eyelevel, pointing it to the door. A blood groove stretched almost to the tip. A hilt of leather molded to his fingers, fitting in his palm like a glove. The weight was perfect as he twisted it, his eyes caressing the double-edged blade. It was longer than his old sword by a good six inches. Shame he had never used it. What he wouldn’t give to kill something right now. The urge to kill never left him; it was the only thing he was good at. Killing and following orders, of course.
Over the next few minutes he wrapped the three swords in cloth, tying them securely. He gathered his old clothes, now dirty with dust, and bundled them up too. He left the room, going downstairs to the basement. Laying the swords and the bundle beneath the boiler, something caught his attention. William listened. Carefully he pushed the two bundles into a recess and then walked to the outer wall, where an air grate opened up to the outside world. He fingered his beard.
It couldn’t be. Could it?
A low snarl left his throat, threatening to burst into a thunderous growl. Without thought he ran at the boiler. It was a façade; the real one was in the utility room next to the family kitchen. It fell into the wall, and the wall itself shattered to reveal a false room behind. A dim light shone through the newly-made door as he clambered in and stared at the mirror. Picking up the swords and clothes-wrapped bundles, he tossed them into the mirror. They vanished.
Sounds were now hitting his senses, giving his forehead a memorable pain. William turned and rushed up to the kitchen, making his way outside. Distant trees surrounded the house with only one way in and out, the long driveway to the main road. It was hidden by the forest as it wound its way to town. Looking down and slightly to the left, he found the tiny stones peeping out fr
om the earth. William was some hundred yards out from the main frontage of the house. The ring of protection was intact. His presence made it glow. Thousands of tiny dots lit up the house. It had been put here by a warlock, Carl Walker, to protect Sorscha. But now an enemy raged toward them. It sounded like the cry of hundreds of knotting wolves unable to retract. Soon, in maybe five minutes, they would converge on the house. The ring of protection would hold them, but not for long. The scent followed them─sulfur. It was a warlock, a powerful one.
William turned and ran, pulling the door closed behind him. Up he went, to Sorscha’s room. He stopped. Listening again, he ran to the window at the end of the landing. Men were coming, a hundred or so. They weren’t men to him; he could see through the glamour. Orcs of all kinds: tall, short, ugly─they were all ugly. They were armed to the teeth, running through the trees, rushing to the house. Two minutes out. No sign of the warlock, but these bastard creatures were under orders, sniffing him out, sniffing Sorscha out. Time to go.
The door swung open and cracked against the wall.
“What the fuck! William, you broke my bedroom door.”
He stopped dead. She stood in a towel which she dropped in surprise or in need. That scent again, hers, aroused, from deep within her. He couldn’t help but sniff the air, his cock growing hard in his jeans in response.
She didn’t realize the effect she had on him. She was so hot, even for her size. To him she was perfection. Standing five foot five inches tall, with curves to die for, she looked at him with those deep blue eyes. Her mouth was open.
“Well, explain. I could have been naked.”
Inwardly he grinned. His eyes ached with the vision she gave him. The bra and panties she had on left nothing to his imagination. Damn Orcs. If they weren’t coming to kill them he would take her right here, right now on her bed. He would leave a scent of such sexual potency on her sheets she wouldn’t sleep for a month. Eyes locked, cock burning in tight restraints, he just stared at her.